May 19 | At Brooklyn Arts Exchange "Glorious Bodies" | Brooklyn, NY

New Earth Bodies

New Earth Bodies with Yura Sapi
Movement Synthesis by Maria Bauman

Sunday, May 19, 2024 (2:30-5:30 pm)

BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange
(421 5th Avenue in Brooklyn, NY.)

Step into a world where plants talk to you sharing their wisdom with answers to your deepest questions…

Join us for New Earth Bodies to learn how to communicate with plants. Rediscover your role as a creator and steward of Mother Earth.

We are creators, and birthing humans is not the only legacy we leave. No matter who we are, we as humans are stewards of Mother Earth and it’s time to remember our power in bringing to life our liberated future.

We are beings entrusted with the responsibility of nurturing our planet. New Earth Bodies is your opportunity to reconnect with the natural world and explore the profound connection between humans and plants.

Join this immersive experience where you’ll learn the ancient arts of communicating with plants through a series of hands-on activities, guided meditations and interactive discussions. Unlock these sacred codes, journey to self-discovery and awaken your connection to the Earth.

We are birthing the rEvolution towards a liberated and harmonious future. Are you ready? New Earth Bodies awaits you. Join us to sow the seeds of transformation together.

Yura Sapi (they/them) is a visionary leader, creative activist, and interdisciplinary artist dedicated to co-creating joyful and abundant futures in harmony with each other and Mother Earth. Yura is Indigenous Kichwa, with Ecuadorian and Colombian citizenship and a lifelong connection to their birthplace on Manahatta island. Embracing their Kichwa name, Yura embodies strong roots and a profound connection to trees and plants. They have showcased their artistic talents as a performer and space curator at renowned venues such as Joe’s Pub and the Whitney Center for the Performing Arts and are published on platforms like HowlRound Theatre Commons and Community Centric Fundraising.

Through their new nonprofit organization, LiberArte Inc., Yura collaborates to establish an artistic support network aimed at advancing racial, social, and climate justice on a global scale. LiberArte facilitates connections within the global community, fostering projects like food access farm Protectores de la Tierra, an artist-led initiative promoting AfroIndigenous farming and food sovereignty, originating in Nuquí, Chocó, Colombia; Balistikal, a queer arts and healing space offering virtual and in-person programs for the Spanish-speaking Latin American community; and the Building Our Own Tables Podcast which conducts interviews with BIPOC founders of arts organizations sharing their rEvolutionary leadership insights. Yura is a board member of the Arts Administrators of Color Network, a member of Artists Co-Creating Real Equity, and a 2023-24 Braiding Seeds Fellow. Yura offers a powerful vision of what this world can look like, and their work is making that vision a reality, one step at a time.

About Glorious Bodies:

Join MBDance once a month, January through June 2024, for a public workshop series based on themes from MBDance’s/Maria Bauman’s current dance-ritual-artwork, These are the bodies that have not borne. Our new work is an outdoor piece based on multiple seemingly related and unrelated themes, synthesized through the MBDancers’ bodies and imaginations as a ritual and a performance.

These are the bodies that have not borne. is rooted in Earth stewardship and indigenous technologies for healing our bodies and the Earth together; uterine health and the under-discussed plight of Black women and other womb-carriers dealing with disproportionate levels of uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other reproductive challenges; the variety of ways that queer people, especially Black and Brown queer people, conceptualize family-building–from the economics of scientific interventions to the emotions of considering if/how/when/with whom to parent; collective memory and harnessing magic to affect our futurity.

Many folks have shared that they want to engage in these topics with MBDance, so we’re sharing some of our research prompts, exercises, and guest facilitators with YOU!

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Want to co-create joyful and abundant futures? 

Contact us and let's work together for a thriving planet.